
What are some tips for tapping into my "warm" market with E-Cards?


Does the thought of promoting SFI, ECommergy, etc. to your friends and family fill you with apprehension? You're not alone. Many affiliates are hesitant to bring the subject up to those in their immediate circle. There are many reasons. Some people are simply uncomfortable presenting an opportunity or a great deal to a friend or family member. Others may not know what to say...or fear being rejected by people close to them.

E-cards to the rescue! 

With E-cards, you've got an easy, convenient, and fun way to introduce SFI, ECommergy, and other Zing Network sites to your friends and family with "just the right touch." Best of all, E-cards are totally free for you to use!


Basically, E-cards are full-color digital postcards you can e-mail directly to friends and family. There are more than a dozen designs to choose from, and we're adding new designs regularly. (NOTE: Your suggestions for additional designs are welcome!)

After choosing a design, click Preview, then the "Send this E-card" link. Choose the Gateway you want to use, your recipient, and the design template of your choice. Then, just click the Preview my e-card button, enter a message to accompany your digital postcard, and send the card when you're ready. Be sure you ONLY send E-cards to your warm market, that is, your friends, family members, co-workers—people you know and who know you.


Rejection has always been one of the toughest aspects of contacting friends and family (your "warm market"). In traditional network marketing, many people soon call it quits after having a couple friends or family members reject their proposals. E-cards, of course, can't prevent somebody from responding negatively. However, by removing the face-to-face element, any "sting of naysayers" you may feel will be GREATLY reduced.

In addition, SFI has purposely kept E-card content "light and breezy" to keep the communication casual. SFI's E-cards use very friendly language and/or a bit of humor to make contacting friends and family a comfortable experience for you.

Using E-cards to contact your "warm market" also leaves all the "heavy lifting" to SFI. There's no need to know every little detail about SFI. Just choose an E-card, add a short, friendly little message, and send it. The full-color E-card takes it from there!

NOTE: For hints on creating your "warm market" list, see "What are some tips for identifying my "warm" market?"


Few affiliates contact their friends and family every time SFI announces a great new enhancement or a new feature, although they probably should. But who wants to get a reputation for always "bugging" friends and family?

Again, E-Cards to the rescue! 

You can use an E-card to quickly send out a new round of friendly little announcements. No twisting of arms or getting in anyone's face with "high pressure" tactics. You're simply letting people know about the latest development pertaining to your business via a brief and friendly postcard.

And always remember, a huge component of prospecting is TIMING. Maybe SFI didn't appeal to your friend six months ago. However, today the situation is different, and your friend has is now interested in earning some extra income as an Affiliate. A simple E-card may result in their signing up as a new PRA or PRM for you!


If you're still questioning the merits of contacting your friends and family, consider this: If you found a great new product that actually made your home safer, made you feel healthier, and/or saved you money in the long run, who would you tell about it? We're betting that it would be your closest friends and family members. Same thing with SFI.

PLUS...if you're referring SFI affiliates, you'll also be happy to know that E-cards provide an incredible value to your brand new team members. Your new Personally Referred Affiliates (PRAs) are often very motivated to learn how to get started...but many are operating on a very small budget and cannot afford to invest in promotion or advertising.

Once again, E-cards delivers the solution!

Your new affiliates can get started IMMEDIATELY promoting their business for free. They need only grab the e-mail addresses of their "warm market" and start sending out E-cards.

It's simple. It's easy. It's free. And ANYONE can do it!

You can start sending out E-cards now HERE.

Important: E-Cards may be sent ONLY to friends and family members. To prevent abuse, there is a limit of 10 E-Cards per day that can be sent to prospective affiliates and members.
